Percutaneous Hair Transplant
One of the most socially and medically debatable topics is the problem of hair loss and baldness, both in men and women. Due to the rapid development of techniques used in hair transplantation, Percutaneous technique is one of the most advanced technologies in the field of hair transplantation.
Percutaneous technology definition
Is a modern hair transplantation technique, which were used only in the European countries and is dependent on opening hair channels in the baldness affected area, and then transplanting the hair follicles in the same direction of the patient’s hair by a percutaneous tool which is a special circular needle without creating incisions in the transplanted area.
Percutaneous Hair Transplant Advantages
- There are no incisions in the transplanted area due the use of the needle in the insertion of the hair follicles, so the resulting skin rash is much less compared to the incision’s technology.
- No after surgery bleeding or blood clotting.
- Rapid recovery after surgery.
- Ability to control the hair thickness and direction.
- More hair thickness is possible, where 40-50 follicles per square centimeter can be transplanted. In contrast to the incision-based methods, no more than 30 follicles per square meter can be transplanted.
- Give the patient a more natural look than other transplantation techniques.
Percutaneous Hair Transplant Stages
The doctor must go through several stages for Percutaneous Hair Transplantation
- The doctor should discuss all the details of the procedure with the patient so he will be familiar enough about it.
- The doctor draws clear lines that he tracks during the procedure.
- The transplanting area is anesthetized.
- The doctor selects the follicles that are suitable for transplanting and extract them using the extraction device.
The difference between Percutaneous Hair Transplant and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplantation
Percutaneous Hair Transplant is a technique of Follicular Unit Extraction technology, not an independent technology, but the difference is that the extracted follicles in Percutaneous technique is being transplanted by a special needle without incisions.